Friday, May 22, 2009


not updated for more than half a month...done lots of thing.

celebrated Albert's n Tristan's birthday.....

watched some movies- wolverine, start trek, angel n demon..

went back to sibu in d middle of ssm...stayed away from the unbearable heat in KL, enjoyed mom's cookings, gathered with some friends..

Visited brother in Kapit...impressed by the speedboat, only now i realised that it is actually very comfy. Ride along rajang river was nice. kapit, a very Small town, nothing much to do. Everything is expensive.Nice speedboat with flat screen tv, freezing air-corn n cushioned seat.

Back to KL, back to busyness. ..


  1. Can image u r busy...=), bt i tin u missed a little tin, a Chicken burger.

  2. chicken burger? i cant recall, wats dat

  3. Dear son, if..u may continue doin' wat u r doin' nw. Tomorrow mom & ur dad at home will hv no rice to eat. If..

  4. who is this fake mom of mine? n i dont understand every single word u said
