Thursday, December 25, 2008

money gone

I'm damned~

Bought my air-ticket several months ago, following the schedule given to me..and was euphoric for getting the ZERO fare ticket to go back to my hometown.

Several months later, the Department of Pediatric changed my exam schedule out of a sudden, and I have to suffer because of this.

Now, it's really burning a hole in my wallet. I have to buy another air ticket at sky-high price.
I complained, but they didn't seem to care. Well, who's gonna care after all, I'm no one to them.

This is not the 1st, same thing happened during my 1st year. God bless me.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

green movie

Impulsively, went to watch 'the day the earth stood still' after waking up from a nap. Managed to catch a 4.50pm show n enjoyed a student price of rm6 only, cheap enough.

the story was kinda like the second coming of Jesus aka end of the world:
Keanu came as human body, he resurrected, he performed miracles, he made the civilization perished just like dust.........

"dust you are and to dust you shall return"- Genesis 3:19

Other similarities to Bible,
Spherical 'Arks' were sent to saviour the rest of the species - just like Noah's Ark.

There was even a species of his kind who was sent to earth beforehand to evaluate the human and made an official report to him upon his coming - just like John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus (however, John is definitely not the same kind as Jesus)

The moral of the story is,
Save the earth before you're destroyed - in Bible, Repent and you will be saved!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

beware - One step towards assimilation.

I read a very disturbing news in here.

Someone is proposing to eliminate all the Chinese and Tamil schools for the sake of unity.

Under the new system,

“.........murid-murid diwajibkan belajar bahasa ibunda mereka iaitu Mandarin bagi kaum Cina dan Tamil bagi kaum India...........

Well, at least he shows mercy.

But, it's more disturbing when a 'tokoh pendidik' suggested not to show us mercy at all. The reason he gave was:

“Memang tidak kena. Kaum Cina mempunyai bahasa Kantonis, Hokkien dan Mandarin.

“Bahasa Tamil pula jelas sekali bukan merupakan bahasa ibunda untuk pelajar kaum India. Ada lagi bahasa Telegu dan Punjabi”

This Moronic 'tokoh' can't even know that kantonis and hokkien are just dialects instead of standard language - Mandarin.

It means they don't have to learn Bahasa Melayu as well, since they have kelantan dialect, jawa, minangkabau............right?

1st, our language... next our culture...then, our religion?